A Story Of Success from a SASA! Faith Project Community Activist

The Situation

I discovered that my wife has been living with me yet she decided to keep it a secret that she has been living with HIV. I was so angry to an extent that I thought of violence as a way to escape the misery and frustration that I was feeling.

Our Intervention

The Response

Fortunate enough I was already a member of the SASA! Faith Project as a Community Activist. I began to envision myself in her shoes and for me that was a turning point to re-evaluate the situation between my wife and my self. As a result of a continuous engagement with the project sessions I adopted the principles of SASA!Faith of living in justice ,peace and dignity. After proper engagement with the EWF counselor I decided that it was my responsibility to man up and forgive and accept to live with my wife despite her HIV positive status. Ultimately this has made me a better person a loving father, forgiving partner and a CA that is exemplary in preventing and responding to GBV.

The Results

After proper engagement with the EWF counsellor I decided that it was my responsibility to man up and forgive and accept to live with my wife despite her HIV positive status. I have also learnt to balance power with her and treat her with dignity and respect. Ultimately this has made me a better person a loving father, forgiving partner and a CA that is exemplary in preventing and responding to GBV.

The Evidence

"I have come to the realization that we can not blame women for bringing HIV into the family, as such we have joined support group were we are able to learn more on HIV/AIDS and how to manage the disease.”
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